Sunday, March 28, 2010

blue collar eddie and his better half doloris


today i left my apartment with two different shoes on. who does that?
it was so embarassing too. i went to the store, walked a few blocks, and FINALLY noticed. i know the mini mart guy saw and said nothing. fuckbag. that's common courtesy to say something. like if a random passerby had mayo on his chin, i'd tell him.
fifteen whole minutes of sleep last night is to blame!

i woooooooorked ALL WEEKEND.

in my books, money is the devil. i hate how it runs this city and basically my entire life.
sigh. C'EST LA VIE.

i did door at this big persian event last night. hahahahah i was about 0.0002 seconds away from killing myself from the bellydancingturkalurkadurkadurka music. i found a twenty on the floor though, that was nice. and met really nice bouncers that i'm sure would have my back if i found myself in a knife fight or something.

i just got home from a shoot in tribeca too. the concept was odd but it was fantastic. smudged makeup. the makeup got more and more drastic as the shoot when on. definately different!pictures up sooooontime!

i would really just like to leave school and model. but then again, what girl in new york doesn't want that.
it's just the only thing i totally, 100% love to do anyday, anytime, etc and so forth.

i went a whole day without coffee.
like even ask stacey, that's a big deal for me. i patted myself on the back several times.
18 plus cups keeps the doc away!

i decided i don't want a chat anymore. i want this. i want the bun to come with it though. and i want the bun to stay on it at all times.

frank. because he looks like a whittle frankfuuuuurter!

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