Tuesday, March 23, 2010

first name bonita, last name applebum.

today was a large collection of awful.
one, i am itchy. itchy actually doesn't describe it. i am LOSING IT. that whole sentence sounds bad. not the burn when you pee type of itch, the allergic reaction to something kind of itch. let this end.
two, exams. i never say hate, but i really dislike my computer apps(YES THATS A CLASS) prof. as far as i'm concerned she can kiss my soft gingerlicious ass.
three, i am grumpy. oscar the grouch type steeze.
four, the hotties at the gym are reluctant to talk to me. maybe i should stop wearing purple tapered sweatpants and t-shirts with mustard stains. food for thought.
five, i'm lonely. FEEL BAD FOR ME. WAH.
six, it got cold again? uh why? no wonder i'm getting sick on the reg.
seven, i need new music.
eight, i needed a free berkeley massage today more than you even know and didn't wanna wait 16 hours to get it.
nine, my mother called me 6 times today. e-mailed me twice and texted me 3 times. i love her but stop. it might've had to do with the fact that i called her while having a complete breakdown in a duane read and then hungup. I AM A DRAHAAAHMAAAH QUEEEEN.
ten, there is only so much food network one can watch. i now have seen almost every paula deen's best dishes episode. i also could(by memory) make a lard pie, and everything and anything containing lard. thanks deen. you're my queen.

it's so refreshing when you meet happy people. good people.
today some man scared the beejesus outta me by walking up behind me. sometimes, i get this weird thought while i'm walking home like i bet i could just get stabbed in the back right here and now.
then he laughed and said, it's weird when people walk that close behind you isn't it.
after almost peeing my pantaloons from fright, i laughed and said yes! then we chit chatted for a few.

he was european. probably a tourist. but so jolly!

people keep speaking to me in polish. i do live in the polish land of bk and i love sauerkraut as much as the next polski but it's the weirdest language. and all the polish look mad...like the girls in the grocery store who throw my food at me. DEBIT OR CREDIT!?


i feel it necessary to talk about a certain lady in my life. miss kristin vazquez. a diamond. infact, i shall now refer to her as kristin diamond status v-bomb.
she is the ultimate heart of gold.
she blogged about me today and honestly made this wicked awful day like a solid 80% better.
she's the kinda friend you don't really think is possible. easy going, hilarious, would literally do anything for you and always shares her coronas and oreos with you. not to mention she can BACK THAT THANG UP better than anybody. she is a force to be reckoned with.
she always just does her thing. people love her for it.

i really hope my sister gets to go on exchange next year for school. she wants that so badly. my sister, for those of you who don't know her, is like no one else. she has worked so fucking hard all through school and she's way bigger and better than toronto. i wish i had more loot so i could just pay for it all. i know my she'll get there, my parents told me tonight that she might get to go to england next year.i just want her to be able to go. since the day i popped outta le womb i've looked up to her. she's wonderful and i miss her.

tomorrow i shall sell my textbooks and buy shoes!
and if i have money left over i shall buy (see below):

a large laaaaarge jar of pickles the minimart is selling for eight dollars!

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